The autocomplete element provides suggestions to users as they type into a text input field. It works by using a combination of user input and pre-existing data to generate a list of suggested options that your user can choose from.
Column Label:
Change the column label if wanted from Auto Generated UID (Unique Identifier) to User Definded format
Autocomplete API:
Method: choose a methode: get, put or post
URI: enter your URI
Query Parameters: Press “Test Request” to test your request
Is preset to none, switch to “Bearer Token” or “Unoy User Token” if needed
Request Headers
Add header fields and set parameters
Status code whitelist
Enter a new status code
Add a comment.
Active If
Select “Active If” to apply a condition.
Press “+Create Condition”.
Choose “any” or “all”.
Press “+Add condition” or “+Add group”.
Choose a variable.
Choose equal, unequal, contains, does not contain.
Choose the variable it has to match.