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Data Select

The data select element creates a select box with options taken from a CSV file.

Autocomplete API:

  • Method: choose a methode: get, put or post

  • URI: enter your URI

  • Query Parameters: Press “Test Request” to test your request

  • Choose a column label (optional)

  • Select the available columns


  • Visibility 

Set the devices on which the element is to be displayed.

  • Style

Add a “Class Tag” to add a pre set style to your element.

  • Mode

Select Listbox or Dropdown for your Selection box.

  • Placeholders

Open the Placeholder menu to set placeholders. 

If you set a connector element, the “Placeholder Empty List” will show possible results.

Select “preselection” if you want to set preselected options


Select “options from DataTable” to create possible options automatically.

If there are no results to find, you can set a placeholder in the “Placeholder no result” box.

  • Comment

Add a comment.

  • Active If

  1. Select “Active If” to apply a condition.

  2. Press “+Create Condition”.

  3. Choose “any” or “all”.

  4. Press “+Add condition” or “+Add group”.

  5. Choose a variable.

  6. Choose equal, unequal, contains, does not contain.

  7. Choose the variable it has to match.

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