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Word Document

Creates a Word Document. 

  1. Upload a template file containing [[PLACEHOLDERS]]. 

  2. You will then be able to replace the placeholders with information from other elements, system variables or free text.

  3. Now the “magic element” can automatically create a word document replacing the placeholders with the information you set.

  • “Visible in result data” is selected by default. This will showcase the added data in your dashboard. Press to deselect.


  • Comment

Add a comment.

  • Active If

  1. Select “Active If” to apply a condition.

  2. Press “+Create Condition”.

  3. Choose “any” or “all”.

  4. Press “+Add condition” or “+Add group”.

  5. Choose a variable.

  6. Choose equal, unequal, contains, does not contain.

  7. Choose the variable it has to match.

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