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File Download

This element creates a download field. Users will be able to download files which you uploaded for them. Upload the files in the start node.

  1. Go to start node

  2. Open “Files in KAPP”

  3. Select or drop files to upload

  • Double click on the name of the download field to rename it.

  • Press “caption” to add a caption to your text input field. 

  • Press “description” if you want to add a description


  • Visibility 
    Set the devices on which the element is to be displayed.

  • Style

Add a “Class Tag” to add a pre-set style to your element.

  • Minimum height

Set the minimum height of the input field.

  • Comment

Add a comment.

  • Active If

  1. Select “Active If” to apply a condition.

  2. Press “+Create Condition”.

  3. Choose “any” or “all”.

  4. Press “+Add condition” or “+Add group”.

  5. Choose a variable.

  6. Choose equal, unequal, contains, does not contain.

  7. Choose the variable it has to match.

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